Let’s face it, this pandemic has changed the way we all go about our day to day lives. It even got a technophobe like me onto Zoom! But I see this as an opportunity, I can work with clients from all over!

We can connect no matter where you are located, as long as you have access to a device with a camera and a microphone and a good internet connection, we’re all good to go!

For you to get the best experience

This is how we’ll meet for our sessions. I will send you a link upon booking. It is free to download and I recommend you update before logging on (there seems to update on an almost weekly basis!)

A computer is best, but if you only have a phone or tablet it is not a problem!

An external microphone is recommended – computer microphones aren’t always the best for online coaching – I recommend a USB mic or a home recording mic. But this is NOT essential!

Make sure you have the space to move! Some of the exercises we will do for Singing and Acting sessions will need you to be able to move your body freely, Let’s make sure you have a safe space to do so! And of course, if we are working on dance – the more space the better!